" My Story , My Life , My pain , My Love , Myself "



20-ich girl fleeing in the field of English Literature with a passion in business and trying to be the future Malaysian Ambassador. Business : BIUBIU.CLO / Email : wawa.adzuar@gmai.com

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Ary pling mlang bgy aq
written by ika at Monday 9 May 2011 & got 0 Comments

ary nie 9/5/2011............
ak  da siap2 bersedia nk gy skol pgi2.... ak pkai bju mcm besa la... bju sragam skol....
next.... ak da smpai skol.... tpy ak tngk suma paki bju pj... ak pown ingatkn dpa yg pkai bju pj 2 ad klas jasmani tpy rpa2 nye ak jerw yg x tw ad lthan skan... my mom sruh ak trun keta..... pty ak mlu glar bai.... ak pown x trun keta... ak wat mcm2 alasn coz x nk g trun keta.... then, ak pown x gy skol.... hawk2....... (>_<) ...
then, ak klu x ad klas tmbhn.... ptang.... ak sda siap2 sdia la... coz nk gy klas tmbhn... ble da time nk pgy.... ak pown mcm tba2 rsau..... x tw npe..... (maybe ad 6 sense kowt) hawk2.... mybe2.... urm.. back 2 da story.......... next, ak kol kwan ak... tpy x dpat.... da bnyk kli kol so da gve up coz dpa x angkt... mlas...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????  then, ble smpai kt skol..... ak tngk suma org ad kt luar......... mslah nye..... wk2 ak dtng 2 klas tmbhn da start...... tba2.... ak nmpk kwan ak soang nie, ARA...... ak nk tnya dy tpy wk2 2 plak dy blek...... ak pown nmpk dy blek,....... ak pown blek la..... bhahahahaha............. 
ary nie.... mmng mlang bgy ak just about skol...... 
from now on, I HATE SKOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
ak da mlas nk fkir pa nk jdy..... bncy3!!!!!!!!!

thats all my story yg mlang nie...
hope korang x mlang mcm ak....
huhu (",)

                                                                                                  from: bdak mlang ble skol time
                                                                                                           wawa (pumpkin)

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